Exclusive Research: Channel Incentive Findings
Creative Group and the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) partnered to bring you data on non-monetary incentive and recognition approaches of top-performing technology firms.
High-level findings of this study confirm that top-performing tech companies were more likely to:
- + Host a top performer group trip (93% vs. 53%)
- + Have more incentive trip attendees (50 vs. 424)
- + Have simple metrics to earn their incentive trip (57% vs. 33%)
- + Have a tiered structure using award points, merchandise and gift cards to maximize reach to participants (93% vs. 78%)
- + Award $6,722 on average to their Top Performer incentive trip earners.
Click each box to expand the accompanying data.
Top Performer Group Incentive Trips
Does your non-cash sales incentive program include a Top Performer award?
Does your Top Performer award include a group incentive trip?
Number of Trip Attendees
Limits on Number of Top Performer Trip Winners
Is the number of Top Performer trip winners set in advance, or does it vary based on the performance of the sales-force?
Objective Qualification: Top Performer Incentive Trip
Which of the below BEST describes the qualification process for the channel Top Performer incentive trip?
Qualification Complexity: Top Performer Incentive Trip
Which of the following best describes your qualification criteria for the Top Performer incentive trip?
Sales Targets for Channel Participants
Do your channel participants have defined sales targets as part of your non-cash incentive program?
Reward Achievability: Top Performer Channel Incentives
Do you have special rules for new channel participants that allow them a better chance to earn a place on the trip?
Is your Top Performer award program tiered – allowing channel participants who don’t qualify for the trip to earn other rewards, such as award points, gift cards, or merchandise?
Reward Approach: Non-Travel Rewards
Regarding award points, gift cards, and merchandise rewards, does your non-cash channel incentive program have a “Fast Start” that allows newer channel participants to earn quickly, giving them early “wins” to boost their motivation?
Do you operate any non-cash channel incentive programs that do not have a “top-stop” – meaning channel participants can earn unlimited awards based on the amount of product/service they sell?
Budgeting Approach: Non-Cash Channel Incentives
Which of the options below best describes your company’s approach to budgeting for your non-cash channel incentive programs (merchandise, gift cards, and trips)?
Budget Influencers: Non-Cash Channel Incentives
What factor most influences budget changes year-over-year for your non-cash channel incentive programs (merchandise, gift card, or trip)?
Business Objectives: Channel Reward & Recognition
Which of the following business issues do your company’s dealer/partner reward and recognition strategies address?
Qualifying Metrics: Top Performer Channel Incentive Trip
Which of the below best describes the metrics used to qualify channel participants for the Top Performer incentive trip?
Qualification Metrics: Top Performer Channel Rewards
Which of the below best describes the metrics on which channel participants can earn award points, gift cards, and merchandise?
Average & Top Dollar Values: Award Points, Gift Cards, & Merchandise
Using your best approximation, what are the AVERAGE and TOP reward values for your channel rewards?
Average & Top Dollar Values: Incentive Trips
Using your best approximation, what are the AVERAGE and TOP reward values for your channel incentive trips?
Top Research Findings
Sales Incentive Findings
Employee Recognition Findings
Don’t Forget to Sign Up for the Webinar
Find out what truly successful technology companies now doing differently regarding human capital investments during the IRF’s next webinar. We’ll discuss benchmarks and key findings reported in The IRF Top Performers Study: Technology Sector. Executives at top-performing technology firms were twice as likely as executives at average technology firms to support non-cash rewards and recognition programs – we’ll take a closer look at how these top-performing companies are designing, implementing, and measuring their programs.
a Direct Travel company
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